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Aug 28, 2008

The Show Notes

J.C. Hutchins and Obsidian Episode 21
GPS 'effin rocks
Religious Moron Update

- Michael Guglielmucci
History Chunk
Dragon*Con Schedule
T-shirt photos: we want to see you!
Know a filmmaker?
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Mentioned in the show: Obsidian Episode 21 at...

Aug 22, 2008

The Show Notes

Snorkeling with Sea Lions
Holy crap, we won something!
Religious Morons of the Week

- Ria Ramkissoon  from Patrick Lawrence
- Saudi Arabia's Mutaween Police  from Richard Pierce
- Michael Guglielmucci  from Jason Schmidt
Ask George 
- Cooler than vibraphone?  from Caity in Queensland
- Not-rape is...


Aug 19, 2008

Hey Kids-I do have a new video for you but LibSyn is having some sort of a problem and the post can't be made to my satisfaction. Until that glitch is fixed, I'm afraid we'll have to cool our heels. [As you can see, there are no line breaks. You'll have to pretend for the moment that you are reading James Joyce.] In...

Aug 7, 2008

The Show Notes

The coolest paragraph EVER
Musikfest Noise
Last Tuesday, a great day
Iroc 280 Z Dra-CAR, and cologne in general
Rupert McClanahan's Indestructible Bastards

- Phineas Gauge  thanks to JHG Redekop
Michael Mark's Interview
Religious Morons of the Week
- Abusive father guy from Jared Congiardo